Kunci Gitar Pamungkas - Deeper Chord

Pamungkas Deeper Chord

G  Am D G  Am D G
Am D G  Am D

G              Am         D
 I didn't know much about love
G         Am          Bm
 I knew nothing about it
         C       D       Em   A
'Til I'm falling so hard into you..
C    D            C
 Quicker.. and deeper..

G           Am           D
 Now I know what's about love
G         Am          Bm
 I feel alright about it
           C       D       Em   A
'Cause I'm falling so hard into you..
C    D            C        D
 Quicker.. and deeper.. deeper..

           C                Bm
I wish you sunshine in the sky
            Am                G
And all the bluebirds in your eyes
             C        Bm
May it light up.. wherever..
             Am      G
May it shine on.. forever..
         C     Bm
I wish you.. love..
         Am       G
Rooted within you..
   C         Bm        Am  G
Deeper.. (deeper..) deeper..
   C         Bm        Am  G
Deeper.. (deeper..) deeper..

       C       D       Em   A
Oh I'm falling so hard into you..
C    D            C
 Quicker.. and deeper..

G       Am       D
 All ideas about love..
G           Am             Bm
 Mistakes I made 'cause of it
         C          D        Em       A
It's all make sense now that I've met you

G         Am        D
 Coincidences connected..
G             Am        Bm
 Two hearts denying the truth
        C        D       Em      A
That we both are falling hard in love..
C    D            C
 Quicker.. and deeper..

    C                   D
And you're so much like me
    Am          A
I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..

G  Am D  G     Am D  G
     (Deeper..)  (Deeper..)
Am D  G     Am D

G  Am D G  Am D G  Am D A
           C                Bm
I wish you sunshine in the sky
            Am                G
And all the bluebirds in your eyes
             C        Bm
May it light up.. wherever..
             Am      G
May it shine on.. forever..
         C     Bm
I wish you.. love..
         Am       G
Rooted within you..
   C         Bm        Am  G
Deeper.. (deeper..) deeper..
   C    Bm  Am  G
Deeper.. deeper..

         C         Bm
When you cry.. the ocean..
          Am        G
When you smile.. in motion..
       C            Bm
I will always be by your side
       Am           G
I will always be by your side

       C           Bm
When you cry.. the ocean..
       Am           G
When you smile.. in motion..
       C            Bm
I will always be by your side
       Am           G
I will always be by your side

       C       D       Em   A
Oh I'm falling so hard into you..
C    D            C
 Quicker.. and deeper.. ooh yeah..


C  Dm G C  Dm G C
Dm G C  Dm G

C              Dm         G
 I didn't know much about love
C         Dm          Em
 I knew nothing about it
         F       G       Am   D
'Til I'm falling so hard into you..
F    G            F
 Quicker.. and deeper..

C           Dm           G
 Now I know what's about love
C         Dm          Em
 I feel alright about it
           F       G       Am   D
'Cause I'm falling so hard into you..
F    G            F        G
 Quicker.. and deeper.. deeper..

           F                Em
I wish you sunshine in the sky
            Dm                C
And all the bluebirds in your eyes
             F        Em
May it light up.. wherever..
             Dm      C
May it shine on.. forever..
         F     Em
I wish you.. love..
         Dm       C
Rooted within you..
   F         Em        Dm  C
Deeper.. (deeper..) deeper..
   F         Em        Dm  C
Deeper.. (deeper..) deeper..

       F       G       Am   D
Oh I'm falling so hard into you..
F    G            F
 Quicker.. and deeper..

C       Dm       G
 All ideas about love..
C           Dm             Em
 Mistakes I made 'cause of it
         F          G        Am       D
It's all make sense now that I've met you

C         Dm        G
 Coincidences connected..
C             Dm        Em
 Two hearts denying the truth
        F        G       Am      D
That we both are falling hard in love..
F    G            F
 Quicker.. and deeper..

    F                   G
And you're so much like me
    Dm          D
I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..

C  Dm G  C     Dm G  C
     (Deeper..)  (Deeper..)
Dm G  C     Dm G

C  Dm G C  Dm G C  Dm G D
           F                Em
I wish you sunshine in the sky
            Dm                C
And all the bluebirds in your eyes
             F        Em
May it light up.. wherever..
             Dm      C
May it shine on.. forever..
         F     Em
I wish you.. love..
         Dm       C
Rooted within you..
   F         Em        Dm  C
Deeper.. (deeper..) deeper..
   F    Em  Dm  C
Deeper.. deeper..

         F         Em
When you cry.. the ocean..
          Dm        C
When you smile.. in motion..
       F            Em
I will always be by your side
       Dm           C
I will always be by your side

       F           Em
When you cry.. the ocean..
       Dm           C
When you smile.. in motion..
       F            Em
I will always be by your side
       Dm           C
I will always be by your side

       F       G       Am   D
Oh I'm falling so hard into you..
F    G            F
 Quicker.. and deeper.. ooh yeah..

Chord Pamungkas - Deeper